Had to go over to NJ on Saturday for Paul to give a talk at a palliative care conference over there. It was in Livingston NJ about 45 mins drive west of Manhattan, so in the semi-rural/outer urban commuter belt. It is near Morristown which was where Washington had his headquarters during the Revolutionary War. A nearby village is New Providence, and coincidentally this is where the movie Win Win is set, which we went to see last night; doing quite well at the box office here at present, though we thought a bit slow and predictable.We should have also played some Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen to really make it a NJ day.
The weather is slowing warming up, now 10-15C most days. All the trees, shrubs, and plants are starting to bloom and this time of year the forsythia is in abundance. this bush was in a side street of Morristown.

After a thunderstorm and nearly 60 mm rain overnight, Sunday turned out to be a lovely day. It was cool & crisp early but got up to about 17 by mid afternoon. We went over to the West side of Manhattan to walk the High Line and see how its plants are shaping up for the spring.
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