Having exited from the southern/western end of Piazza Navona, we pass the Santa Guiliana convent where we often stayed, then cross busy Corso VE II and walk through the back lanes to the Campo dei Fiori. Saturday is market day

6. Campo dei Fiori with its flower market
From there we head into Piazza Farnese, then head north towards the Tiber and a view of the massive Castel Sant'Angelo

7. Castel Sant'Angelo, built by the Emperor Hadrian in 135 AD.
From the Castel it is a long but pleasant haul directly east along the ancient Via dei Coronari until you emerge at Piazza Colona

8. Column of Marcus Aurelius. Apparently he stole it from the Egyptians, also in the 2nd century AD. They want it back... but not sure how they will get it there. Palazzo Chigi is also here, where the Italian President lives (not Berlusconi).
Then we head south, crossing busy Via del Corso. Now it is just a few steps to the incredible Trevi Fountain

9. Trevi Fountain. I didn't have any coins on me, so maybe I won't be back!
From there, it was up the hill for about a mile to another great tourist magnet, the Spanish steps,

10. Spanish Steps. From here it was 10-15 minutes up the hill from Piazza Bernini to the St Regis.
What an amazing city.