When we arrived back in NYC last weekend, we learnt that record highs the previous week had fooled Mother Nature. It looked more like May than March, with all the trees, shrubs and flowers in bloom. But the NY Times weather page on March 24th sounded a sombre note: "Spring started unseasonably warm throughout the Northeast and Great Lakes, but a blast of cold air from Canada will return freezing temperatures to these regions early next week. While such temperatures typically do not cause problems in late March, tender vegetation that bloomed early could be damaged..." With this ominous warning in mind, we headed over to Central Park with the camera in case the weather wrecked the incredible display of cherry blossoms, other fruit trees, magnolias, azaleas and forsythia, not to mention the tulips, daffodils and other flowers - as well as lots of the squirrels, ducks and robins out and about.