inspired by Alister Cooke's 'Letter from America'; in honour of Alister Cooke and Colin Sparke, the original bloggers, who have gone to the big web page in the sky.
Founded 2009
They are probably going on all around the globe, and NYC was no exception, with a tribute band "Us & Them" playing at the Cutting Edge on 32nd st in Murray Hill last night to mark the occasion. As they said at the beginning of the show, 'very distressing that it's 40 years, but thank you Pink Floyd for giving us Dark Side of the Moon". They played Dark Side in its entirety then highlights from Wish You Were Here and The Wall. Unfortunately it was very much a case of us and them, the lead singer being no Dave Gilmour and they only had 2 girls, both white. They proceeded to butcher DSOTM, but the lead guitarist did manage to play most of the riffs from the other albums pretty proficiently in the second half of the show. What can you expect for a $20 cover charge and an 8 pm kickoff?
you might not like horse racing, but you've got to admire the sheer athletic ability of Black Caviar. 24th consecutive win at Moonee Valley on Friday night, 14 of them at the elite Grade 1 level
We just had the final episode of the US version of The Office screened here last week. Read in the paper here today that Ricky Gervais posted this on his You Tube channel last Friday to aid the charity Comic Relief. Apologies if this is old news. 10 years on and he's still a complete tosser.
Unusual to snow and get accumulation in NYC after St Patrick's Day, with spring just around the corner. 2-3 inches expected this evening, but changing to rain after midnight so likely to be all gone by sunrise
Loves any outdoors activities, even when it's cold (0 C today). Eats 2 weetbix and toast for breakfast, a croissant for morning tea, peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, a banana and strawberry smoothie after his midday nap, then chicken nuggets and pasta or rice for dinner. Weighs about 11 kg and grown another cm or 2. Talks constantly, repeats everything and says 2-4 words. Knows all his colours and starting to draw. Loves being read to and starting to recognize letters and numbers and say them. His week this week:Mon-gym class; Tues-babysitter; Wed-music class; Thurs-swim class; fri-Dr's appointment (ENT - perforated an ear drum flying into New Orleans last week)
We were in New Orleans for Paul to attend a conference. It was lovely weather and with Xavi in tow we got to enjoy the highlights of the Lower Garden District - especially the playground at Annunciation Square, on Race Street.
After the playground we did get to see some of the antebellum mansions in the neighborhood,
But that wasn't all! We did see the Mississippi and the French Quarter and the Superdome amongst other sites. Quite European looking. Like the rest of the Southeast of the US, New Orleans has a "Humid Subtropical" climate, similar to that of the Australian east coast. As it's coming into spring, it was a lot like like September in Sydney, with fine weather, highs in the low 20's, down to 10-12 at night. Need to bring a top