TODAY: UPPER EAST SIDE, FROM ROOSEVELT ISLAND. Our apartment block and Memorial Hospital are visible but too hard to explain where.
We had a pretty quiet week. the weather was mostly "seasonable", meaning getting up to about 5 deg C max, but feeling much colder (subzero) when windy. it was supposed to snow a bit today but it got up to 6 so was just light rain, a grey depressing day - unlike last sunday. A work colleague gave us a complementary pass for a local health club and we went yesterday and will join. we did an introductory yoga class yesterday afternoon, which was hard work but obviously very good for the posture and balance. We had a late night last night at the Kissane's having dinner with them and another Australian couple from Memorial, been here 12 years, and a old colleague from RPA who is doing a sabbatical at Cornell University, across the road. Today we caught the tram over to Roosevelt Island. it is purely residential and boring but gives great views of Manahattan. The main bizarre news item this week was the woman getting severely mauled by a chimp at her friend's house in nearby Conneticut.
we are getting very excited about all our visitors over the next few months, beginning with katie next sunday. till then...
Hi Mon and Paul,
ReplyDeleteSorry not to have added to the blog recently but I have been reading. Thank you for the daily photo. What a great idea as it keeps us in touch with your New York discoveries. Friday night here and I'm just about to go down to the Sydney Rowers club for dinner. Stephen is catching the ferry straight from work. It's quite a mild night so I'm not sure that we'll be sitting outside, although the view is so lovely at this time it will be tempting. Tomorrow evening the Sparkes are all heading over to Tim and Linda's new house so perhaps we'll see Kate there.
Mon, how is 'What I loved' going? At the moment I'm reading a lot of teen fiction for school but I've put aside 'A fine balance' by Rohan Mistry as people keep recommending it as one of the best books set in India. Must away.