Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ground Hog Day 2/2/10 (what a lot of B.S.)

(from the Huffington Post website): Most local groundhogs did not see their shadows on Groundhog Day 2010, even though the most famous one of all did. Punxsutawney Phil's Groundhog Day 2010 prediction was six more weeks of winter, as he did see his shadow.But how about Buckeye Chuck, Staten Island Chuck, Jimmy The Groundhog, and General Lee Groundhog? None of them saw their shadows. The Marion Star reported on Buckeye Chuck of Ohio not seeing his shadow. Mayor Bloomberg declared the same news for Staten Island Chuck in New York.PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL. I GUESS HE IS A TYPE OF POSSUM what happened later today in NYC? it snowed for the first time in 6 weeks! though only 1-2 cm accumulation that melted by lunchtime. here are some photos from our apartment.
on our terrace looking east
our terrace, towards the city
the communal garden of our apartment complex

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